Emission trajectories for current pledges and strengthened pledges
Warming levels in 2100 under current pledges and strengthened pledges
Boxes show the 66% uncertainty range around the median
Impacts and risks at different levels of warming
Source: IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C (Figure SPM.2)

Percentage share of emissions in 2030 (excluding land-use)

These pie charts show how emissions are distributed in the strengthened pledges scenario

Current pledges

Strengthened pledges

Percentage share of emissions in 2030 (excluding land-use)

These pie charts show how emissions are distributed in the strengthened pledges scenario

Current pledges

Strengthened pledges

Percentage share of emissions in 2030 (excluding land-use)

These pie-charts show how the relative shares of major world regions' emissions change when pledges are strengthened

Current pledges

Strengthened pledges

Emissions trajectories for major world regions

Current pledges

Strengthened pledges

In 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change published its report on global warming of 1.5°C, which clearly illustrated why the 1.5°C warming limit set out in the Paris Agreement is so important. Warming above 1.5°C would raise the likelihood of experiencing severe and even irreversible impacts, and could push people and ecosystems beyond limits to adaptation. Capping warming at 1.5°C would lower the risk of crossing dangerous tipping points, and maintain the effectiveness of a wider set of adaptation options. With these graphs, you can explore how the severity of heat-related climate change impacts across the world change with the level of climate action

Projected climate change impacts in 2100 for the selected strengthened pledges scenario, shown as a change compared with the average over the period 1990-2010